Friday, October 23, 2009

Boot Scoot Helps Sponsor Ponseti Races

I was happy to have Boot Scoot Bikes take part as a sponsor in this year's Ponseti Races. Dr. Ignacio Ponseti, who passed away this past Sunday, October 18 at the age of 95, developed a gentle and non-surgical method to treat club feet. This is especially important to me because my second son was born with club feet and now, at age three, he rides his Boot Scoot, he plays on a soccer team, and jumps on the trampoline. No one would ever know he was born with club feet and he will never have to endure painful surgeries or the pain associated with the scar tissue left by the surgeries. Dr. Ponseti will be greatly missed, but his legacy will live on as his method is spread throughout the world. If you'd like to find out more about him and his method, go to the Ponseti Website.